8 Ocak 2019 Salı

" The creator must have created by someone as well”.

 The artworks which have been made by each artist are the tools between the original creator and the people. We realize that the history of art that is the spirit of the world goes back to ancient times since the first lines had drawn by modern people and since hunting scenes. We see that how much people are connected to art. Painting, sculpture, decor, music, theater, literature and carpet weaving are the activities that people can share and pass their experience about their lifestyle, traditions, religious rules and holidays, the geography they are living in, happiness and sadness. When we ask the main causes of life, universe, space and time, and most importantly the reason of the creativity we find ourselves suddenly in an infinite time.
Considering the rules of the cycle of the universe, if the cows are creating milk and bees are creating honey then bee must have been created by another power. This chain of causes continues forever. According to the materialist philosophical logic, there is another creator behind every last creator. If we pull up or downwards, the creators are sequenced one after the other. On the other hand, our feelings and belief are the manifestation of God, the only creator of the universe. The created world, moon, sun and other, existing planets are part of the universe, the nature and all living things we see are the part of our world and every planet has its own parts which are not known to us.
Artwork is the repetition of creation on the planet by the artist. Both concrete and abstract works belong to the being and each artist interprets in accordance with his character inspired by the nature, living beings, essence and soul. There are great activity and vitality in our daily lives, we see around with our eyes which are superior to the most advanced cameras in the world but even though our eyes are perfect, they fulfill their duties within certain accepted limits. What we see is that we only accept electromagnetic wawe and our vision limits cover only two percent of the electromagnetic wave that exists in the universe. Have ever thought about it is very little what we see and what we cannot see and there is a world that we do not see. Everything in this world is differently amazing tiny and perfect.
Small means a clue here in fact. The place where detailed and extraordinary works are done beyond the boundaries of vision, the micro world is very strong, on other hand it shapes the whole world. Of course, the things what we cannot see is not just consist of micro-organisms. We cannot see the crystal shapes of snowflakes, the ultra-violet red waves, the X rays and surface shaped form on butterfly's wings and on leaves of lotus with bare eyes. There are full of things that aren't visible around us. There are things too slow or too fast due to our perception, in short there are wonders in out of our vision that we cannot perceive. Today developed technologic tools and artworks which have been made by emotions opens a lot of doors in the world which were hidden. The artworks of art works are the same for everyone, the artist reflects the objects that people can see with bare eyes